Tuesday, September 21, 2010

At a recent town hall meeting, my Commander in Chief was asked a difficult question as to the reality of the situation with regards to the economy of the United States and the difficulties that the middle class faces. His answer astounds me. Not only did he fail to address the issues faced by the middle class, but he trumpeted his most controversial "successes" many of which have actually contributed to the decline of small businesses and the expansion of governmental power. Then he said the most telling statement that evening.

"My goal here is not to try and convince you that everything is where it needs to be; it's not. That's why I ran for President. But what I am saying is that we are moving in the right direction, and if we are able to keep our eye on our long term goal, which is making sure that every family out there if they are middle class that they can pay their bills, that they can have the security of health care, retire with dignity and respect, that they can send their kids to college, if they are not yet in the middle class that there are ladders to get into the middle class if people work hard, get an education, and apply themselves: that's our goal, That's the America we believe in and I think that we are on track to be able to do that."

Breaking down this run-on sentence we get a rare glimpse into the abyss of the Democrat Platform. According to the statement above, his goal is to make the government responsible for elevating people to the middle class. That does not address the problem! Furthermore, by giving the government the power to elevate a person's socioeconomic class and his the swelling of the middle class, the socioeconomic structure is therefore removed. Why didn't he address the plight of the middle class? Because he does not care to. The middle class is counter to his and his party's agenda of making the country a socialist state. Having the government responsible for the student loan, medical, manufacturing, and financial industries (all of which have happened since President Obama was sworn in) gives the government the ability to control essential aspects of people's lives because they believe we cannot take care of ourselves.

This conclusion is brought to you by his words above that "we are on track" to break the lower barrier of the middle class. By removing the class structure, we have the masses and the ruling class which conveniently gets to make and break the rules. This outcome that "we are on track" for is eerily similar to the outcome of Russia under Lenin. The people are equal and the Party will decide how equal they get to be.